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Born In Buffalo New York On January 27th

Roberts Jr. Chief Justice of the United States

Born in Buffalo, New York on January 27th

John Roberts Jr. was born in Buffalo, New York on January 27, 1955. He is the 17th and current Chief Justice of the United States. Roberts was nominated to the Supreme Court by President George W. Bush and confirmed by the Senate by a vote of 78-22. He took office on September 29, 2005.

Early Life and Education

Roberts was born to John G. Roberts Sr. and Rosemary Podrasky Roberts. His father was a lawyer and his mother was a homemaker. Roberts attended Harvard College, where he graduated magna cum laude with a degree in history. He then attended Harvard Law School, where he was editor-in-chief of the Harvard Law Review. After graduating from law school, Roberts clerked for Judge Henry Friendly of the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit and for Justice William Rehnquist of the Supreme Court.


After clerking for Justice Rehnquist, Roberts worked as an associate lawyer in the Washington, D.C., office of Hogan & Hartson. In 1989, he was appointed by President George H. W. Bush to serve as Principal Deputy Solicitor General of the United States. In this role, Roberts argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court. In 2003, Roberts was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by President George W. Bush. He served on the D.C. Circuit until his elevation to the Supreme Court in 2005.

Supreme Court Tenure

As Chief Justice, Roberts has overseen a number of important cases. In 2010, he wrote the majority opinion in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, which struck down limits on corporate spending in political campaigns. In 2012, he wrote the majority opinion in Shelby County v. Holder, which struck down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Roberts has also been a key figure in the Court's recent decisions on same-sex marriage and abortion rights.


John Roberts Jr. is a highly experienced and respected jurist. He has served with distinction as Chief Justice of the United States since 2005. Roberts is a thoughtful and moderate judge who is committed to the rule of law. He is a credit to the Supreme Court and to the nation.
